Palana Devata Ritual
Palana Devata Ritual
This is for those of you that have already purchased a Vedic Astrology Mantra Ritual Reading: . The information from the Vedic Astrology Mantra Ritual Reading determines your Palana Devata and is REQUIRED for this ritual. Your Palana Devata guides material security, finances, and your work. It also guides your subconscious and intends your reality. After you are done with your Dharma Devatta ritual, you may want to move on to your Palana Devatta. Any unconscious issues that are blocking you from abundance will surface in order for you to resolve. Deborah will look at your chart and determine what direction, offering, and mantra is required to connect with your Palana Devata, which will be different from your Dharma Devata. She will also provide you with your Palana’s preferred stone, color, herb, and lifestyle suggestion. Deborah saw results from day one with this 40 day ritual! PLEASE DO NOT ORDER THIS RITUAL UNLESS YOU HAVE ALREADY PURCHASED AND RECEIVED YOUR MAIN VEDIC ASTROLOGY MANTRA RITUAL READING.