Messages From The Beings of the Otherworld Reading
Messages From The Beings of the Otherworld Reading
The Kingdom of The Otherworld contain elemental and inter-dimensional being of all shapes and sizes. Some look like humans, some look like nature beings, and some are a combination of both! They are the guardians of Earth and all that live upon it.
You can connect with these beings out in nature. They have much to teach us. They assist us in carrying out magical practices, in fact, we can’t successfully carry out our magic without them. They can become our allies, but we must earn their trust. They are the ones who send us whispers of inspiration and send us messages through clouds, breezes, animals, feathers, and gifts like coins left for us where we will discover them.
This is a five card reading that uses 5 different oracle decks that have been consecrated with the intention of bringing you messages from the Otherworld realm.
Before the reading, Deborah will go into a ceremony to call in the beings that would like to work with you and assist in the divination of the cards. Otherworld beings are very straight forward and tell you what you need to hear at the time of your reading, not what you want to hear. It may not be what you expect!
This reading that will last approximately 45 minutes. You will receive a picture of your spread after the reading. Please have a pen and notebook so you can take notes of your messages!
Readings are done by Skype, FaceTime, or WhatsApp video.
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